You cannot set up a sub-agency without a sub-agency admin, which does require a unique email address. In order to tranfer an existing user, you can create the sub-agency with a fake email address, for example This will make it so the sub-agency is set up and then you can move users to that set up sub-agency. The fake user can be deleted after the sub-agency has either an “Agency Monitor” or “Agency Administrator” assigned to it through the transfer process.
To move users to a set up sub-agency they can do the following:
- Click the “Admin” tab
- In the dropdown menu, click “Users”
- Use the search field to locate the user you wish to transfer, in the “Select Sub-Agency” dropdown make sure “All Agencies” is selected to ensure the user is found
- Locate the user in the user search results below and click the green pencil icon next to their name
- On the “Edit User” screen, locate the “Agency” field and select the sub-agency you wish to move the user to
- You may also change the user type of the user, for example if they are an “Agency User” and you wish for them to be an “Agency Monitor” or “Agency Administrator” within that sub-agency you can select their designation from the “User Type” drop down menu
- Once all the changes to the user have been changed, you can select whether or not you wish for them to receive notification of this change. If you wish for them to not receive notification, uncheck the blue check box next to “send notification” just above the email editor window
- If you wish for the user to be notified, simply click “Save”, the user will be updated to the selections you made previously, and they will receive an email notifying them that their account has been updated