Tools can be assigned to clients in three different ways:


From a client’s “Manage Client Assignments” page.

Graphical user interface, text, application

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  1. Click the “Manage Clients” link from within the “Admin” tab.
  2. Locate the Client you wish to assign a tool to and click the “View & Manage” button in the “Action” column.
  3. On the Client’s “Manage Client Assignments” page, locate and click the “Assign New Tool” button.
  4. In the “Assign New Tool” window, tools can be either filtered by Criminogenic Needs or a tool can be selected directly.
  5. Once a tool is selected, the full tool can be assigned, or the tool can be assigned in parts.
  6. Select the Due Date for the assignment.
  7. Select the paper or digital version (if Clients do not have access to a device to complete the assignment, the paper version can be selected.)
  8. Select the assignment notification you wish to send.
  9. Click “OK” and an email, text, or both will be sent to the Client notifying them of the new assignment.


From a specific Carey Guide (for these directions, Antisocial Thinking will be used as an example):


Graphical user interface, application

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  1. If you are viewing the Antisocial Thinking guide, the tools within that Guide can be assigned by clicking the blue “Assign Antisocial Thinking Tool” button just above the thumbnail of the full Guide on the Antisocial Thinking guide page.  
  2. Within the “Assign Antisocial Thinking Tool” pop-up window, you can select:
    • Which tool you wish to assign.
    • What version you wish to assign.
    • The assignment due date.
    • Select the Client or Clients you wish to assign the tool to.
      • Tools can be assigned to multiple Clients from this window.
      • If the tool has already been assigned to a Client, their name will be highlighted.  You may choose to reassign the tool.
    • Select how the Client should be notified of the assignment.
    • Click “OK” and the Client (s) will be notified of the assignment based upon their communication preferences and your selections.

From a specific Carey Guide Tool (for these directions, Antisocial Thinking, Tool 1 will be used as an example):


Graphical user interface, application

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  1. If you are viewing Antisocial Thinking, Tool 1, locate the blue “Assign Tool” button just above the tool viewer.  
  2. Within the “Assign Antisocial Thinking Tool 1: Thought-Feeling-Action Link” pop-up window, you can select:
    • Whether to assign the whole tool or a part or parts of the tool.
    • The assignment due date.
    • The version you wish to assign.
    • Select the Client or Clients you wish to assign the tool to.
      • Tools can be assigned to multiple Clients from this window.
      • If the tool has already been assigned to a client, their name will be highlighted.  You may choose to reassign the tool.
    • Select how the Client should be notified of the assignment.
    • Click “OK” and the Client (s) will be notified of the assignment based upon their communication preferences and your selections.


Client Tool Assignment Communications

When you assign a tool to your client, they receive an email or text message letting them know.  The text or email contains a direct link to access the tool assignment.  They can click (on a computer via email) or touch (on a smartphone or tablet via email or text) the link and the client will be automatically logged in to their account so that they can set their password.  Below are examples of what the links look like:

Text message link example:             Email link example: