If your client is having issues with their password, you have the ability to reset their password for them.

  • Select "Clients" from the navigation menu and select "Manage Clients" from the dropdown menu or click the "Manage Clients & Assign Tools" tile on the dashboard.
  • On the "Add and Manage Clients" page, locate the client who needs a password reset and click "View & Manage."
  • On the client's "Manage Client Assignments" page, click the "Edit Client Information" link next to the client's name.
  • In the "Edit Client Information" window, locate the lock icon and check the box next to "Reset password."
  • Once the check box is checked, you have two options:
    • Password reset option 1:
      • Select the notification to be sent to the client, notifying them of the password reset.  Select email or text message.
      • Click "Save" and the message containing a link to log in and change their password will be sent to the client.
      • When they click the link, they will be asked to change their password.  

    • Password reset option 2:
      • Check the box next to, "Check here if your client is having trouble setting their password."
      • A password field will be revealed that will allow you to set a password for your client.  Note that with this option, a message will not be sent to the client notifying them.  You will need to let the client know what their password is.