We suggest Your Guide to Success as one of the first Guides to use with the people with whom you're working. There are several reasons for this. It's a way to:
- share assessment results
- help both of you see their positive accomplishments and strengths and, in so doing, build rapport
- help people realize that there are things they can do to change their situation
- identify stabilization support services that would be useful.
As such, Your Guide to Success is ideal for use following the risk/needs assessment and prior to building a case plan.
If you feel that you will not be able to complete the tools in Your Guide to Success before your case plan should be completed, work through at least tool 1; it’s typically the most important tool to complete in order to write the initial case plan. Then, you and the person with whom you're working could develop the case plan as per your time frame, work through the remaining tools, and revise the case plan to reflect insights gained while working through these tools.