We have several resources to help you decide when to use which Carey Guides, which BITS, and the Driver Workbook:
- The BITS Tools Usage Guide explores which BITS address which criminogenic needs and the specific circumstances when staff might want to use each one.
- The Carey Guides and Driver Workbook Sequencing Chart divides supervision into six time periods—from the first appointment to 3–6 months before discharge; identifies the key step and associated goals of each period; and suggests when to use each Carey Guide and the Driver Workbook in order to meet those goals.
- The Carey Guides Linking Chart links each Carey Guide and Carey Guide tool with each criminogenic need, as well as with responsivity factors and stabilization needs.
- The Carey Guides Index lists each Guide, each tool in each Guide, and the objective of each tool to help you determine which Guides and tools are most appropriate for a particular person.