There are numerous individual agencies that have the Carey Guides and are also trained in EPICS. While we can’t speak to how well they are integrating the two, we have heard from individuals that they have found it to be rather seamless.
In terms of using the Guides for the homework section, most of the Guide tools are compatible with the purpose of homework as described in the EPICS checklist, such as when a person keeps track of when they got angry and used self-talk to achieve a different outcome or when they overcame family challenges by applying a skill to a real-life family conflict.
For other Guides, the staff member needs to assign homework in a way that links the lesson to the person's day-to-day setting. So, for example, after using a tool in the Maximizing Strengths Guide, you could give a homework assignment such as the following: Identify three times you were at risk of relapsing but you used your strength of ________ to overcome the temptation.
Other Guides, though, serve more of a case management function. For example, the Mental Health Guide is used more as a way for staff to monitor a person's medication, counseling, and overall stabilization. Homework is associated with those objectives; however, we can see where it might be difficult to categorize it as skill practice homework as per the EPICS checklist.