Generally, we don't recommend using the Carey Guides with these populations:

  • People who are low risk: The Guides won't harm people who are low risk—and this population may take to the Guides quite readily—but they also probably do not require an intervention in order to stay out of the justice system.
  • Youth 14 years or younger: While it is possible that some youth of this age may benefit from the Guides, normally their developmental age makes other forms of intervention more appropriate.
  • People who are highly resistant: People who are highly resistant should not be forced to use the tools as it will likely not be a positive experience for either them or the staff member with whom they are working. That being said, while many people appear highly resistant, a skilled staff member can often get them to the point where they would be willing to give the tools a try.
  • People with a very low IQ or severe mental health disorder: People with a very low IQ or severe mental health disorder would likely not benefit from the Guides. However, some, such as those with a borderline IQ or with a mental health condition that is reasonably under control, could benefit with adequate coaching and a slower pace.
  • People who are extremely high risk: There is a small percentage of people who are extremely high risk. These tend to be people with psychopathy, who are often affiliated with a gang or who have adopted a pro-criminal lifestyle and are surrounded by others who think likewise, who have multiple treatment failures, and who are not motivated to make life changes. These people usually have high risk assessment scores as well. Some researchers are of the view that this population might  benefit from effective interventions—especially people with a long criminal history who are tired of jail or prison, and who are motivated to make a change—however, the length and intensity of intervention may be unrealistic for most agencies. The fact is that many agencies do not have the resources to provide the intensity of risk reduction services required for this population. In most agencies, this group ends up on intensive supervision caseloads, which can be augmented by close surveillance, such as GPS monitoring, and partnering with law enforcement.