You may have noticed that the back covers of some 1st edition Carey Guides include titles such as Creative Thinking, MI Techniques, and Offender Typologies, but those Guides are not listed on the back covers of other 1st edition Guides or of 2nd edition Guides?


We developed the first edition of the  Guides over the course of several years, and our thoughts as to which Guides to produce and what titles to give them changed over time. That’s reflected in the different lists of Guides you see on the back covers. In the end, the following first edition Guides were produced:


Blue Guides


Antisocial Peers

Antisocial Thinking

Emotional Regulation


Interpersonal Skills

Moral Reasoning

Overcoming Family Challenges

Problem Solving

Prosocial Leisure Activities

Substance Abuse

Your Guide to Success


Red Guides

Behavioral Techniques

Case Planning

Co-occurring Disorders

Dosage and Intensity

Drug Dealers

Engaging Prosocial Others

Female Offenders

Impaired Driving

Intimate Partner Violence

Involving Families

Managing Sex Offenders

Maximizing Strengths

Mental Health

Meth Users

Motivating Offenders to Change


Responding to Violations


Rewards and Sanctions

Violence and Lethality

What Makes an Effective Corrections Professional?


You’ll see these titles on the later first edition Guides, such as Drug Dealers.


For the second edition (and, in the case of some Guides, third edition), the following changes were made to Guide titles and placement as Blue Guides or Red Guides:

Antisocial Peers was renamed Antisocial Associates.

Engaging Prosocial Others and Involving Families became Blue Guides instead of Red Guides.


Everything else stayed the same.