Here’s some advice from our customers about how to encourage staff to use the Carey Guides and BITS:
- Make sure that management supports use of the Guides and BITS.
- Train upper management and front-line supervisors before training staff. It will be easier for staff to use the tools if they are supported.
- In supervisors' training, emphasize ways they can motivate their staff to use the Guides and BITS. For example, supervisors could help staff use a tool and then encourage them to try another one on their own. Or, if supervisors get a call regarding a problem with a client, they can suggest using a tool as a way to address the problem.
- Supervisors should establish early on clear expectations for staff's use of the tools. Build in a ramp-up period. For example, in month 1, staff might be expected to use a tool with two people. As staff become more experienced, they should then be expected to use the tools more frequently and with more people.
- Have staff start using the tools with new rather than existing clients. Existing clients already have set expectations about appointments, and trying to introduce something new is often difficult at first.
- Suggest that staff begin with Guides such as Maximizing Strengths and Your Guide to Success. These Guides help set a positive tone and establish rapport.
- Suggest that staff fill out the tools themselves before using them with clients. Understanding how the tools work will make staff feel more at ease when introducing them to others.
- Encourage staff to look for teachable moments. As an example, staff in prisons have used the BITS to help people with roommate and other interpersonal problems.
- Build a pool of "tools experts" who can mentor other tool users. Spread out the experts geographically.
- Consider rewarding staff for their use of the Guides and BITS. For example, supervisors can create a tools “Stars” wall and give credit to staff who tried to use them. However, keep in mind that the goal is not to complete the most worksheets; it's to use them effectively.
- Recognize that staff training is not "one and done." Supervisors should follow up with staff on their use of the tools, arrange for staff to observe other staff using the tools, coach staff and offer feedback, discuss the tools at staff meetings, hold case staffings, encourage learning teams, and offer booster trainings. Another idea is to highlight a “Tool of the Week/Month,” where supervisors send out a reminder to staff about a particular tool, suggest three scenarios where staff might try to use the tool in the next two weeks, and then invite staff to share their successes and challenges.
- Remind staff not to let perfect get in the way of good enough!