Hello [NAME],

Thank you for your inquiry about the Carey Guides. 

The Guides are based on a cognitive behavioral approach and were built on the best-known studies (see the attachment "Carey Guides Research Support" for a list of some of the key sources used to develop each Guide). Each Guide was reviewed by a panel of practitioners and researchers, including Dr. Faye Taxman, to ensure that they were consistent with the research literature. The University of Cincinnati also reviewed the Guides to ensure they were consistent with their teaching around core correctional practices.
We have made a deliberate decision not to conduct research on the Guides out of concern for a potential conflict of interest—real or perceived. Instead, we have urged users of the Guides to conduct their own research and, indeed, we have been informed that some of our tools are the subject of agency studies in several states. You can read about one study conducted by North Carolina’s Division of Community Corrections use of structured worksheets, including Carey Guide tools, in the attachment "A Note About Research Behind the Carey Guides and BITS."  We understand that a second study will be released in the coming months. No further details are available at this time, but we'll be sure to post an announcement on our website when it's available for public consumption.
Please let us know if we can be of further help.

~Carey Group Customer Support