The Carey Guides can be used in a group setting. Although the Guides were designed for one-on-one appointments, many of our customers—working in prisons, jails, youth detention centers, treatment programs, and the community—are using them with groups, including CBT groups, and reporting success.
Here’s what some customers are doing: Everyone in the group receives a copy of the same Carey Guide tool. They work through the tool independently and then discuss their responses as a group, with the facilitator identifying opportunities for skill practice.
Interestingly enough, the one exception reported has been using the tools from the Antisocial Associates Guide. One youth counselor using the material in a youth camp indicated that it was difficult for the youth to talk openly about their peers when they were in a group of their peers.
Given that these worksheets were not specifically designed to be used in group settings, our advice is that if you are going to use them in groups, first pilot them and measure pre- and post-progress. If the Guides prove helpful, continue to use them in that manner. If not, then use them in one-on-one appointments only.
Attached is our Implementation Success Stories document which, on page 2, discusses one jurisdiction's use of the Guides with groups. It is a probation agency that supervises adults in a group setting, using the Guides as their cognitive intervention. Probation officers meet with individuals one-on-one only when needed. The agency is very excited about how well their group risk reduction work is working for them.