Since the Driver Workbook reflects an historical pattern of behavior, it isn’t usually necessary to redo it. However, there are at least three situations when redoing the Driver Workbook might be beneficial:
- If the person is not very forthcoming when you initially use the Driver Workbook, revisit it later when you have built more rapport and trust. It is possible that the person will share more of what was behind their past decisions only after rapport is developed.
- If you and the person with whom you're working come to agreement on the driver, you apply effective programming, and the person is still engaging in illegal behavior, it might be worthwhile to revisit the driver. It is possible that you have been dealing with a symptom and not the underlying cause.
- If a person begins to engage in a new harmful behavior pattern (e.g., if a person had been successful on supervision and you start to hear about new harmful incidents; if they start engaging in a different kind of harmful behavior than they were engaging in before), complete the Driver Workbook again to see if a new criminogenic need is behind the new pattern.
Beyond these three reasons, you might experience another situation where you would want to redo the Driver Workbook.