Carey Group has engaged in numerous discussions over the years about the language used in the Carey Guides and Brief Intervention ToolS (BITS) and agree that language is important.
We have compiled a glossary of preferred terminology as part of our effort to make our materials strength-based and to address bias. Generally speaking, we are adopting “person-first” language in recognition that individuals involved in the justice system are first and foremost people, rather than using dehumanizing and stigmatizing labels such as “offenders” or “inmates.” In addition, particularly for language related to the pretrial arena, we are adopting language that affirms a person’s innocence until they are proven guilty.
We are in the process of examining each of our products for potential changes—particularly examining language and making sure it is strength-based. We have finished updating our BITS tools; the second edition is now ready for purchase. The Carey Guides will take considerably more time to modify. Most of the needed language change is in the front section of the Guides, tool instructions, and the Guide titles. Fortunately, there is very little change needed with the worksheets provided to the individual. We continue to work on this and will announce changes as they are made.